Well this past weekend I was up at my mom's house and I was getting ready to leave on Saturday morning. I really needed my hair trimmed. The girl who normally cuts my hair is back east selling security systems with her husband, so I decided that I would quickly run to Fantastic Sams and get my hair trimmed. I usually take Rilee to Cookie Cutters...a children's hair cutting place, but I decided to take her with me. After all we were just getting a trim. Well, we get there and after a short wait they took me to one chair and Rilee to another. I told the lady, I just want you to trim up her ends. Well the girl cutting my hair was busy cutting off my many split ends, and when I was finally done I looked up and could not believe it. No...my hair was fine, but when I looked at Rilee she had bangs....and kind of ugly ones. I walked over and grabbed her out of the chair. I was very mad. I said, I did not say to cut bangs. The lady cutting her hair said, "Oh, she told me to." I replied, "She is 3." I was furious, I didn't even let her finish cutting them, I just took her and left. Luckily Rilee is soooo cute that any hair style looks good one her, but I had been growing them out for a year and they were finally almost as long as her hair. I will have to post some pics later of them. I did however finally break down on Sunday and trim them a little better and at a little of an angle. So the moral of the story, don't leave your 3 year old alone when she is getting her hair cut!!! Thanks goodness she did not say that she wanted to be BALD!!
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8 months ago