Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Martin's Cove

Oh wow, it has been a really long time since I have posted. Sorry these posts are a little out dated, but summer has been kinda busy. The first exciting adventure of the summer was Martin's Cove---the pioneer trek. We took Talan on it with us, and he (and I) both did well. It was an awesome experience. I would recommend going to any one who has the opportunity. Cody and I were Ma and Pa's and we had some big strong boys that pretty much pulled our handcart the entire way...it was nice. Our "family" was so helpful with Talan also which made it even better. We did see 6 rattlesnakes, one of which was camping under one of the girls tents...AHHH! Luckily though no one got bit---I was the medical personnel, so I was very grateful to not have to perform any first aid or IV while there. The pioneer trek made me appreciate so much what the pioneer went through. It really was a great experience.


Michelle said...

hey girl...I've been wondering where you've been! Those are such cute pictures. I've been to Martin's Cove...you are right, it's a cool place. You look so cute, but I'm pretty sure the pioneers didnt have their stylish sunglasses to wear along the plains! haha! You and Cody are so cute, and Talan is growing up so quick! He looks just like Peyton! Love ya!

Tiffani Mills said...

You guys looks so cute - all pioneery. I haven't ever got to do the pioneer trek- but everyone always says it is so much fun. Glad you got to take Talan too- and that your family was so helpful.

Kelie said...

way to go! you all look so cute dressed up at pioneers. Glad you had a great time!

Unknown said...

With our young women we went to see e that handcart pageant in Nephi, it is so amazing to hear some of the stories that they went through. I bet that was such a good experience. I was very sad that we didn't all go to lake powell, looked like fun!